In the context of our effort to provide you with up-to-date information regarding L.4990/2022 for the "Protection of persons who report violations of EU law" and the Whistleblowing obligations in general, but also in particular in relation to the obligation to notify Y.P.A.A. to the Labor Inspectorate, today (24.05.2023) the latter issued the following announcement and the templates for notifying the designated Y.P.P.A.
Implementation guidelines of Law 4990/2022
Still we are anticipating the issuance of further guidelines and a number of Ministerial Decisions which will further determine the calculation of the amount of fines and also designate the Activity Code Numbers (A.C.N.) of businesses operating in the financial services, products and markets, transport and environment sectors, as well as those businesses operating on the basis of a decision approving environmental conditions, which are obliged to appoint a Whistleblowing Officer regardless of the number of employees they employ.